2.5 Acres in Phelan, CA

* * * * * *  THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD  * * * * * *

This 2.50-acre parcel is located in Phelan, CA.

Parcel Number: 3098-331-17-0000

Property Details:

Latitude, Longitude: 34.496880 , -117.550482

Hacienda Rd, Phelan, CA  92371

18.5 miles (27 minutes) to Victorville

38.3 miles (47 minutes) to Palmdale

48 miles (58 minutes) to Lancaster

Elevation: Approximately 2,423 ft

Access: This parcel is accessible via Hacienda Rd.

Property Taxes (Annual): Approx $293

Assessor Value: $24,501

Zoning: PH/RL (Phelan Pinion Hills Community Plan/Rural Living)


Power lines are about .10 mile away from the property.

There is a water line nearby.

Nearby Comparable Properties:

Comps range from $30K to $42K.

Legal Description: SEC 30 TWP 5N RNG 6W NE 1/4 S 1/2 W 1/2 N 1/2 GOV LOT 1 NW 1/4 SEC 30 TP 5N R 6W 2.5 AC

Videos take at the property: May 2019

Property will be conveyed to the buyer via a grant deed.

Seller will pay all typical closing costs, including escrow fees and title insurance for the new owner.

The information provided on this page is accurate to the best of our knowledge, but buyer is responsible for verifying any information that may affect the intended use of the property.

This property is offered for sale by the owner, LandSale.US LLC. The owner is not a real estate agent/ broker and is not represented by an agent/broker. Please contact us directly with questions about this property: Email john@landsale.us or call (888) 602-5263.


Payment and Closing Details

A $500 deposit is required as earnest money to reserve the property and is applied towards the purchase price.  Please use the link above to make this payment online.

On cash sales, we will then then prepare a simple contract for your review and signature.  Please let us know if you require any contingencies in the contract, as we can customize the contract to fit your needs.  See this page for a typical contract.  If we cannot agree on details of the contract, your $500 deposit will be fully refunded.

The signed contract will be handed over to a local escrow/title company to complete the transaction.

We will pay all property taxes that are due at the time of sale, including a pro-rated amount for property taxes through the closing date.

The escrow/title company will prepare all required documents, including preparation and recording of your new deed.  The title company will issue your title insurance policy shortly thereafter.